
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Solving our problems - prayer in distress

65:2 ....And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out,
65:3 And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion.

Quran-Surah At-Talaq: 2-3

In the above ayats (verses), we are told that we can get out of problems and troubles through Taqwa (fear of God) and Tawakal (trust in God).

During this very challenging economic conditions, we should recite more of the above verse as a prayer and most importantly to follow what we are told to do by the Almighty Allah that is to have Taqwa and Tawakal.

In this situation, observing taqwa and tawakal would mean that - first of all - we should not panic; we should remain steadfast and content.

We are also encouraged to recite Lahaula wala quwata illa Billah (There is no power and strength except in Allah) matter how clever we think we are, only He can actually make it happen.

To treat the verses just as a wall decoration will not do any help...actions are required.

Believe it and do it.


  1. May Allah Azawjal grant u a Palace in His Jannat.he guided me to this blog.

  2. As salamu alaikum...

    Thanx for the inspirational post. Will need to memorize this to add to my dua.

    I share the other poster's wishes for you, and his sentiment about being guided to your blog.




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