Tuesday, April 08, 2014

The value of time

To realize the value of ONE YEAR 
Ask a student who has failed his final exam. 
To realize the value of ONE MONTH 
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby. 
To realize the value of ONE WEEK 
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper. 
To realize the value of ONE DAY 
Ask a daily wage labourer who has ten kids to feed. 
To realize the value of ONE HOUR 
Ask a person who is waiting to meet someone special. 
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE 
Ask a person who has missed the train. 
To realize the value of ONE SECOND 
Ask a person who has survived an accident. 
To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND 
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics. 
Treasure every moment that you have!

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Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur : www.alfalahconsulting.com
Islamic Investment Malaysia: www.islamic-invest-malaysia.com
Pelaburan Unit Amanah Islam: www.unit-amanah-islam.com

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