Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Delivered the Welcome Address and a Paper at The 2nd Global Islamic Finance Conference (GIFC2008)

On the morning of 29 October 2008, I delivered the welcome address at The 2nd Global Islamic Finance Conference (GIFC2008) before the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Malaysia, Y.B Dato' Dr. Zahid Hamidi delivered his Keynote Address.
In the morning of 30 October 2008, I delivered a paper entitled "Human Capital Development in Islamic Finance industry: Issues and Challenges"

Forum Chairman - Global Islamic Finance Conference (GIFC2008) - Grand Millennium Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

I was the chairman of the Forum: Development and Challenges in Islamic Finance in The 2nd Global Islamic Finance Conference (GIFC2008):
Chairman: Ahmad Sanusi Husain (CEO/Chief Consultant, GlobalPro Consulting)
1-A. Riawan Amin (Chairman, Indonesian Sharia Bank Association/CEO Bank Muamalat Indonesia)
2-Muzaffar Hisham (Deputy CEO, CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad)
3-Mohammad Illiayas Seyed Ibrahim (Senior Partner, Illiayas)
4-Hassan Ahmed (Managing Director, Crescent Risk & Wealth Management Consultancy)

With the Minister in VIP Corner - The 2nd Global Islamic Finance Conference (GIFC2008) - 29 October 2008

With the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Malaysia, Y.B Dato' Dr. Zahid Hamidi (de facto Religious Affairs Minister) in the VIP corner of Grand Millennium Hotel Kuala Lumpur. On the left is Dr. Mohd Kamal Khir, CEO of IBBM and on the right is Mr Amirullah Hj Abdullah.

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