Thursday, April 25, 2013

Masjids in UAE

Masjid Sheikh Zayed - Abu Dhabi, UAE

A masjid in Dubai (with Burj Khalifa on the left)

Masjid Al Noor, Sharjah City, UAE

Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur :
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w as a mercy to the worlds (for all creatures)

And We have not sent you (O Muhammad), except as a mercy to the worlds. [Quran, surah Al-Ambiya': 107]
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Sahabat yang beriman ibarat mentari yang menyinar.  
Sahabat yang setia bagai pewangi yang mengharumkan. 
Sahabat sejati menjadi pendorong impian.  
Sahabat berhati mulia membawa kita ke jalan Allah.

Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur :
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Orang-orang beriman memandang dosa-dosanya seolah batu besar di puncak bukit..

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Orang-orang  beriman memandang dosa-dosanya seolah batu besar di puncak bukit, ia takut kalau-kalau menimpanya.” (HR. Bukhari)
Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur :
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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Beautiful Place: The Waterfalls of Thailand

Erawan Waterfall, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand

Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur :
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Discipline is a narrow bridge connecting goals and accomplishment

Discipline is a narrow bridge connecting goals and accomplishment.
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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Beautiful Place: Beautiful Tree Tunnels

Tree Tunnel - Portugal

The DarkHedges - Northern Ireland

Unknown place

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Tahmid: Alhamdulillah

Sabda Nabi SAW: “Yang pertama sekali dipanggil untuk masuk syurga ialah orang-orang yang selalu bertahmid kepada Allah baik pada saat senang maupun susah.” (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur :
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The Midnight Sun Masjid in Inuvik - Arctic town in Canada

The Midnight Sun Masjid also known as "the Masjid  at the top of the world".  It's the world’s northernmost masjid (mosque). Building a masjid in the Arctic , however, is far more complicated than it is anywhere else. The scarcity of skilled labour and material makes the cost of such a project skyrocket and impossible for a small Muslim community of about 100 people.

The Zubaidah Tallab Foundation, a Manitoba-based Islamic charity, stepped in and raised funds to build the mosque. The Zubaidah Tallab Foundation came up with a plan Build the masjid and ship it 4,200 kilometers away to Inuvik, this was the most economical way of getting the masjid built.  The entire project cost about $300,000. 

Part of the masjids journey was going to be on roads (2400km) and part on water (1800 km), in a 3-week journey...the journey in 2010 from the prairie city of Winnipeg in the province of Manitoba to Inuvik, the most northern town in Canada’s Arctic.

The group also found a supplier of prefabricated buildings in Manitoba that shipped the building to Inuvik for half the price of building a mosque from scratch in the town.
The epic journey of small prefabricated mosque grabbed international attention as it slowly made its way, by road and on a river barge, to its final destination.
Inuvik is in Canada’s Northwest Territories and has a population of 3,600 people, about a hundred of who are Muslims.
Muslims have been migrating to smaller resource towns, such as Inuvik, in search of jobs and hoping for a better quality of life.
According to the latest census numbers, the Muslim population of the Northwest Territories is growing at a rate of 300 percent every decade,
Due to its northern location, Inuvik is called the ‘Light of the Midnight Sun’ as it experiences an average of 56 days of continuous sunlight every summer and, for almost 30 days, it is blanketed in complete darkness every winter.
Muslims have been migrating to smaller resource towns, such as Inuvik, in search of jobs and hoping for a better quality of life. According to the latest census numbers, the Muslim population of the Northwest Territories is growing at a rate of 300 percent every decade,
Due to its northern location, Inuvik is called the ‘Light of the Midnight Sun’ as it experiences an average of 56 days of continuous sunlight every summer and, for almost 30 days, it is blanketed in complete darkness every winter.
The Muslim community in Inuvik follows the prayer and fasting times of the city of Edmonton.
Muslims make around 2% of Canada's 33 million people and Islam is the number one non-Christian faith in the Roman Catholic country.
The Inuvik masjid is a stellar example of what can be accomplished by unity, hard work and faith in Allah....

If people can manage to build a masjid in the Arctic , then everything for the sake of Allah is possible. 

Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur :
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Pelaburan Unit Amanah Islam:

Friday, April 12, 2013

Sungguh beruntung orang beriman...

Sungguh beruntung orang beriman... 
nafasnya hembusan tasbih, 
ucapannya untaian doa, 
airmatanya butir istighfar, 
keringatnya kilauan tahmid.

Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur :
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Words of wisdom: "A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain"

"A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain"
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Sunday, April 07, 2013

Beautiful place: Mount Fuji - Japan

Mount Fuji from Lake Kawaguchi - Japan

Bullet train passing by Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji in autumn

Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur :
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Friday, April 05, 2013

15 Things Successful People Do

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.”
Whether in business or life, there's a fine line between success and failure. Booker T. Washington’s quote highlights the inevitability of obstacles on the path to success. In fact, I firmly believe success and failure go hand-in-hand. Those looking to succeed must first fail or learn from those who failed.
Successful individuals aren’t just born, there’s a lot more that goes into the equation. I've found those who are highly successful have a lot more in common than we may think. If you’re seeking success, these habits may come in handy.
1. Learn from failure. No matter how hard you work, failure can and will happen. The most successful people understand the reality of failure, and its importance in finding success. Rather than running and hiding when you fail, embrace it. Learn from this mistake and you won’t fail in the same way again.
2. Set goals. Those who are successful set daily achievable goals. Find success by solidifying S.M.A.R.T. -- smart, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely -- goals. Stop juggling a mental to-do list of just long-term goals and establish small daily goals to achieve your vision.
3. Don’t rely on luck. Many relate success to being in the right place at the right time. While this is an element of success, there’s also the crucial involvement of blood, sweat, and tears. Don’t hold yourself back by waiting for the perfect timing or idea. Some of the most successful people got there by hitting the ground running, even if timing wasn’t perfect.
4. Track progress. Success comes from regularly monitoring behaviors, strategies, and tactics. How can you make adjustments if you don’t know how you’re doing? Hold yourself accountable by checking your progress as often as possible.
5. Act. Successful people don’t always know the right answer, but the keep moving anyway. Don’t let obstacles stall you when you’re searching for the right solution. Taking action will lead to answers.
6. Connect the dots. Those who are successful have the ability to see the greater picture. They identify and connect the tiny details to get there. Look at things in a “past, present, and future” context to receive favorable results.
7. Display realistic optimism. Those who succeed truly believe in their abilities. This respectfully drives them forward. Assess your abilities to gain a clear understanding of what you are able to accomplish. This will allow you balance yourself through the aid of find someone or something else.
8. Continued improvement. Successful people habitually thrive on self-improvement, whether it’s in terms of learning from mistakes or simply using their weaknesses as opportunities. Channel this habit by continually searching for ways to be better. Maybe your networking skills are rusty or you need some extra training -- set goals for improving your weak spots.
9. Commit. Success doesn’t come without effort. The most successful individuals are often the most committed to what they’re working toward. Throw yourself into your tasks and go the extra mile every single day. Make no exceptions.
10. Be alert. A keen sense of awareness breeds success. If you’re not keyed into your environment, you’re sure to miss opportunities. Do you know what’s being said within your company, feedback from clients, or even in your entire industry?
11. Persevere. Truly successful people never give up. Do they ever fail? Yes. But as times get hard, their stamina to move forward doesn’t wane. Develop a willingness to work through the challenges you encounter along the way.
12. Communicate with confidence. Those who are successful have an ease for convincing others. They don’t manipulate or pressure, but logically explain the benefits. Communicating with confidence will allow you to more easily negotiate your visions.
13. Display humility. The most successful individuals lack an ego. It’s their fault when they fail. Hold yourself accountable for every aspect of your life by focusing on remaining focused and humble.
14. Be flexible. Plans may change. Successful people roll with the punches. Rather than getting frustrated, swiftly maneuver in another direction.
15. Make connections. Successful people often attribute their achievements to the help of others. You can’t and won’t be able to do this alone. Invest in generating mutually beneficial business connections and partners. Even if you have all the skills necessary to run your company, a business partner could complement your weaknesses.
Initiating these habits of successful people will fuel you on your search for achievement.
What do you think is the most important habit of successful people?
(Ilya Pozin)

Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur :
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Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Beautiful Place: The Mountains of China

Shangri-La River, China

The Great Walls of China

Yunan rice field, China

Zhangjiajie National Park, China

Guilin, China

Jiuzhaigou Valley & Rhino Lake, China

Kinming, Yunan, China

Guangxi Mountains, China

Highway at Tianmen Mountain, China

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