Monday, October 12, 2020

Eveything has its splendour, and the splendour of the Quran is Surah al-Baqarah. In it is a verse which is the greatest verse of the Quran: Ayatul Kursi.

Abu Hurairah r.a narrated that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said;
"Eveything has its splendour, and the splendour of the Quran is Surah al-Baqarah. In it is a verse which is the greatest verse of the Quran: Ayatul Kursi." [Hadith Tirmidhi]

Most of us know that Ayatul Kursi is the greatest verse in the Quran. We are taught to read it whenever we feel scared or lost, happy or grateful. Apart from the Hadith mentioned above, there are also various other Hadiths that tell us its importance and benefits. But have you ever wondered why this verse is the greatest ayah of the Quran and has many virtues associated with it?

It is one of those verses that are memorized by almost all Muslims around the world, because of its virtues. It is profound in meaning because it contains a strong message of Tawheed (the Oneness of Allah) and describes the greatest attributes of Allah SWT.

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