Teruslah berdoa.
- Keutamaan Memberi Makan Orang Berbuka Puasa - 3/16/2025
- Perbanyakkan Istighfar di Waktu Sahur - 3/13/2025
- Baca Quran 💙 - 3/9/2025
- Memperbanyakkan Istighfar: Kunci Kelapangan Hidup - 3/4/2025
- Bersyukurlah Dan Allah Akan Tambah Nikmat-Nya - 3/4/2025
Saturday, December 08, 2018
Sadness departs with a prostration (sajdah)
“Sadness departs with a prostration (sajdah). Happiness comes with a sincere supplication (du’ā). Allāh does not forget the good you do, nor does He forget the good you did to others and the pain you relieved them from. Nor will He forget the eye which was about to cry but you made it laugh. Live your life with this principle: be good even if you do not receive good; not because of other’s sake but because Allāh loves the good-doers.”
~ Ibn Al Qayyim
Stay patient, have faith, and never give up on your journey
The strength that you show today will pay off. It will. Soon this cloud of pain will turn into the open skies of tomorrow. The flames that you are baring to hold will soon turn into sparks of purity that light your way. Your strength, right now, within this moment, will pay off. Stay patient, have faith, and never give up on your journey. You are getting there, one step at a time, through the darkness of the night and into the light.
True Enrichment
Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon him) said:
“True enrichment does not come through possessing a lot of wealth,but true enrichment is the enrichment of the soul.”
[Hadith, Sahih Bukhari]
Good Manners
Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon him) was asked about which act leads people to enter Paradise the most, he replied: “Piety and good manners.”
(Hadith reported by Imam Tirmidhi)
Sajak: Mentari dan rembulan
Mentari dan rembulan...
Ketika mentari mengundur diri,
rembulan muncul kembali.
Setia pada aturan Ilahi,
berkhidmat untuk manusia di alam ini.
Maka adalah tidak adil jika manusia mengingkari,
perintah dan larangan Ilahi.
A.Sanusi Husain
KL. Disember 2011