Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Posts from my facebook on 4 August 2015 (in English & Bahasa Melayu)

Tahajud terbentuk daripada kata dasar hajada bererti tidur dan tahajjada bererti berjaga. Jika seseorang berkata: Tahajjadtu bermaksud saya membuang jauh perasaan ingin tidur dari diri saya. Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-’Asqalani r.h berkata: “Imam al-Tobari menyatakan tahajjud berjaga selepas tidur terlebih dulu."
Menurut Ibn Faris: Al-Mutahajjid bermaksud orang yang solat pada malam hari. Menurut al-Kurra’ pula, tahajjud adalah solat malam secara khusus.” Rujuk kitab al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-’Asqalani, Fathul Baari, jilid 6, ms. 203.
Oleh itu, solat tahajud adalah solat sunat yang dikerjakan pada waktu malam, iaitu selepas mengerjakan solat Isyak dan sebelum masuk waktu solat Subuh. Namun, waktu paling utama dilaksanakan solat tahajud adalah satu pertiga malam terakhir iaitu bermula kira-kira 3 jam sebelum waktu Subuh dan sehingga masuk waktu Subuh.

Don't delay Fardh Shalat,
Other things can wait.

Verily, those who believe and do righteous good deeds, for them will be Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise). That is the great success. 
( سورة البروج , Al-Burooj, Chapter #85, Verse #11)

Hadrat Abu Dharr al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that "my beloved friend” (the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) has enjoined five things upon me.
- He has commanded me to love and be close to the poor and the downtrodden, and he has commanded me to look at those in the world who are of lower rank than me, and not at those who are of higher rank,
- and he has commanded me to be kind to the kinsman and to preserve and keep intact the bond of kinship,
- and he has commanded me not to ask for anything from anyone as a favour and he has commanded me to speak the truth at all times though it may be bitter for others,
- and he has commanded me to care nothing for the rebuke of those who revile and villify in the path of Allah,
- and he has commanded me to recite much the Kalima of: Laa Hawla wa laa Qawwuta Illaa Billah (there is no power or strength but in Allah) because all these things are from the treasure-house (of Allah) which is under the ninth heaven.
(Hadith Reported by Imam Ahmad)

Jika Al-Quran sudah dua minggu tersimpan rapi, 
eloklah dibuka dan dibaca semula dan tidak perlu tunggu Ramadan satu lagi.

Consultant-Speaker-Motivator: www.ahmad-sanusi-husain.com 
Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur : www.alfalahconsulting.com
Islamic Investment Malaysia: www.islamic-invest-malaysia.com
Pelaburan Unit Amanah Islam: www.unit-amanah-islam.com

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