Tuesday, June 23, 2015

100 Pieces of Advice from Qur'an

100 Pieces of Advice from Qur'an
✔ 1. Do not mix the truth with falsehood (2:42)
✔ 2. Order righteousness to people only after practicing it yourself(2:44)
✔ 3. Do not commit abuse on the earth (2:60)
✔ 4. Do not prevent people from mosques (2:114)
✔ 5. Do not follow anyone blindly (2:170)
✔ 6. Do not break the promise (2:177)
✔ 7. Do not engage in bribery (2:188)
✔ 8. Fight only with those who fight you (2:190)
✔ 9. Keep the etiquettes of war (2:191)
✔ 10. Protect orphans (2:220)
✔ 11. Do not have sexual intercourse during menstrual period (2:222)
✔ 12. Breast feed your children for two complete years (2:233)
✔ 13. Choose rulers by their merit (2:247)
✔ 14. No compulsion in religion (2:256)
✔ 15. Do not invalidate charity with reminders (2:264)
✔ 16. Help those in need by finding them (2:273)
✔ 17. Don’t consume interest (2:275)
✔ 18. Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard time (2:280)
✔ 19. Write down the debt (2:282)
✔ 20. Keep the trust (2:283)
✔ 21. Do not spy and backbite (2:283)
✔ 22. Believe in all prophets (2:285)
✔ 23. Do not burden a person beyond his scope (2:286)
✔ 24. Do not become divided (3:103)
✔ 25. Restrain Anger (3:134)
✔ 26. Do not be rude in speech (3:159)
✔ 27. Think deeply about the wonders and creation of this universe (3:191)
✔ 28. Men and Women have equal rewards for their deeds (3:195)
✔ 29. Wealth of the dead should be distributed among his family members (4:7)
✔ 30. Women also have the right for inheritance (4:7)
✔ 31. Do not devour the property of orphans
✔ 32. Do not marry those in your blood relation (4:23)
✔ 33. Do not consume one another’s wealth
unjustly (4:29)
✔ 34. Family should be led by men (4:34)
✔ 35. Be good to others (4:36)
✔ 36. Do not be miserly (4:37) 
✔ 37.Do not keep envy (4:54)
✔ 38. Judge with justice between people (4:58)
✔ 39. Do not kill each other (4:92)
✔ 40. Do not be an advocate for deceit (4:105)
✔ 41. Stand out firmly for justice (4:135)
✔ 42. Cooperate in righteousness (5:2)
✔ 43. Do not cooperate in sin and aggression (5:2)
✔ 44. Dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine are prohibited (5:3)
✔ 45. Be just (5:8)
✔ 46. Punish for crimes in an exemplary way (5:38)
✔ 47. Strive against sinful and unlawful acts (5:63)
✔ 48. Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (5:90)
✔ 49. Do not gamble (5:90)
✔ 50. Do not insult others’ deities (6:108)
✔ 51. ’Having majority’ is not a criterion of truth (6:116)
✔ 52. Don’t reduce weight or measure to cheat people (6:152)
✔ 53. Do not be arrogant (7:13)
✔ 54. Eat and Drink, But Be Not Excessive (7:31)
✔ 55. Wear good cloths during prayer times (7:31)
✔ 56. Forgive others for their mistakes (7:199)
✔ 57. Do not turn back in battle (8:15)
✔ 58. protect and help those who seek protection (9:6)
✔ 59. Keep Purity (9:108)
✔ 60. Never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy (12:87)
✔ 61. Allah will forgive those who have done wrong out of ignorance (16:119)
✔ 62. Invitation to God should be with wisdom and good instruction (16:125)
✔ 63. No one will bear others’ sins (17:15)
✔ 64. Be dutiful to parents(17:23)
✔ 65. Do not say a word of disrespect to parents (17:23)
✔ 66. Do not spend money extravagantly (17:29)
✔ 67. Do not kill your children for fear of poverty (17:31)
✔ 68. Do not even approach unlawful sexual intercourse (17:32)
✔ 69. Do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge (17:36)
✔ 70. Speak to people mildly (20:44)
✔ 71. Keep aloof from what is vain (23:3)
✔ 72. Do not enter others’ houses without seeking
permission (24:27)
✔ 73. Allah will provide security for those who
believe only in Allah (24:55)
✔ 74. Do not enter parents’ private room withoutasking permission (24:58)
✔75. Walk on earth in humility (25:63)
✔76. Do not neglect your portion of this world (28:77)
✔77. Invoke not any other god along with Allah (28:88)
✔78. Do not engage in homosexuality (29:29)
✔79. Enjoin right, forbid wrong (31:17)
✔80. Do not walk in insolence through the earth (31:18)
✔81. Lower your voice (31:19)
✔82. Women should not display their finery
✔83. Allah forgives all sins (39:53)
✔84. Do not despair of the mercy of Allah (39:53)
✔85. Repel evil by good (41:34)
✔86. Decide on affairs by consultation (42:38)
✔87. Try for settlement between people (49:9)
✔88. Do not ridicule others (49:11)
✔89. Avoid suspicion (49:12)
✔90. Do not spy or backbite (49:12)
✔91. Most noble of you is the most righteous (49:13)
✔92. Honor guests (51:26)
✔93. Spend wealth in charity (57:7)
✔94. No Monasticism in religion (57:27)
✔95. Those who have knowledge will be given a higher degree by Allah (58:11)
✔96. Treat non-Muslims in a kind and fair manner (60:8)
✔97. Save yourself from covetousness (64:16)
✔98. Seek forgiveness of Allah. He is Forgiving and Merciful (73:20)
✔99. Do not repel one who asks (93:10)
✔100. Encourage feeding poor (107:3)

Please Share .... Surely, Allah Will Grant you The Reward For Spreading Righteousness.

Consultant-Speaker-Motivator: www.ahmad-sanusi-husain.com 
Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur : www.alfalahconsulting.com
Islamic Investment Malaysia: www.islamic-invest-malaysia.com
Pelaburan Unit Amanah Islam: www.unit-amanah-islam.com

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