Saturday, August 02, 2014

5 Habits of Highly Productive Muslims

First, what is a 'habit'? It is "a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up" (Google dictionary)! 
Next, what is 'productivity'? It is "the quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services" ( 

1. A morning person gets more done!

He knows that he can get more work done in one day than spending the whole week of working only evenings/ nights. 
"Allah made the early hours blessed for my Ummah."(Hadith, Ahmed) 

Allah (swt) made our bodies to stay alert during the day and sleep during the night. 
"It is He (Allah) who has appointed the night a covering for you and sleep for a rest. The day He has appointed for rising."(Furqan: 47) 

2. A regular & punctual person builds up momentum!

She knows that to make best use of her time on a permanent basis, she will have to do certain things regularly, and this requires her to be punctual. When our bodies become accustomed to doing things at a certain time and place, it will become easier and easier to do them (e.g., fasting or reading).

“The deeds which Allah loves the most are those done regularly, even if they are small.” (Hadith Bukhari) 

3. A proactive person makes use of all available time!

He is never satisfied with doing the minimum. He will learn what he does not know, try what he hasn't tried before, and succeed where he has never succeeded. 

He is always thinking of what else he could do with his time, as well as how he could do these things with the help of the people around him. 

“Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health, before you fall sick; and your richness, before you become poor; and your free time, before you become busy; and your life, before your death.”(Hadith, Ahmed) 

4. A helpful & cheerful person is full of life!

“Every act of goodness is charity”(Hadith, Muslim). 

This type of person likes being helpful and cheerful toward everyone, and not just to her family members. This is what makes her lively. 

“Acts of kindness protect one from ruin wrought by evil. Sadaqah (charity) given secretly appeases the anger of the Lord, and a gift to strengthen the ties of relationship (blood relatives) increases one's life span. All good deeds are sadaqah, and those who do acts of kindness in this world are also the same people in the other world. Those who do misdeeds in this world are the same people in the other world. The first of those who shall enter Paradise are the people who do acts of kindness.”(Hadith, Tabarani) 

5. A focused person never goes astray!

He knows what he wants and how to get there. When he starts something good, he always sees it through. He isn't easily de-motivated, distracted, or derailed by things that happen around him. 

“Work for the affairs of the world as if you were going to live forever, but work for the hereafter as though you will die tomorrow.”(Hadith, Mishkat)

(Abid Choudhury/Seed Investment)

Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur :
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