Friday, July 06, 2012

Eid at Northern Illinois University, USA in 1985

While reading posts in a facebook group, I found this old photo of me way back in 1985 listening to Eid sermon (khutbah) held outdoor at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, USA.    That's 9,274 miles / 14,925.06 km from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

In 1988/1989, I was entrusted with the post of the Vice President of Islamic Society of NIU. Through donation, we bought a house for USD90,000 at Normal Road and used it as a Muslim House (mini-masjid), where we perform daily prayers and Friday prayers etc. I delivered Friday khutbah (sermons) several times in English and Arabic of course.  Currently, Muslim sisters and brothers in DeKalb are planning to build a 'fully-fledged' mosque next to the current Muslim House. Hope I will have a chance to visit this place again, insyaAllah.

In first photo, I was sitting in the third row, leftmost (in light blue Malay dress wearing songkok). In the second photo, in the fifth row.  That was 28 years ago...such a wonderful memory.  
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