Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Aidiladha 1430H - 10 Zulhijjah Hijrah (27 November 2009)

Happy Eid!

1. Firstly, let us raise our gratitude to Allah S.W.T., for with His divine aid we are able to celebrate Aidiladha this year in peace, moderation and full of blessings. Aidiladha is a celebration observed throughout the Muslim world. It is the biggest and most meaningful celebration in Islam other than Aidilfitri. Aidiladha is celebrated on 10, 11, 12 and 13 Zulhijjah every year. It begins with the Aidiladha takbir on the night of 10 Zulhijjah, followed by the recommended Aidiladha prayer and sermon on the morning of 10 Zulhijjah, then the completion of the religious rite of qurban on 10, 11, 12 or 13 Zulhijjah.

2. The religious duty of qurban is explicitly recommended upon us who are able to do so with livestock such as cattle, goats and others so that the meat can be distributed among the poor and destitute. Besides the qurban or sacrifice of livestock, Islam teaches many other lessons on sacrifice including the issuance of tithes on our possessions and income according to specific calculations so that the wealth can be shared and used by those in need.

3. Clearly, the willingness to sacrifice by donating wealth to help the powerless is strongly urged in Islam. We must be grateful for the bounty bestowed by Allah S.W.T. and be ready to sacrifice to help the poor and be aware of the misfortunes of others. In truth, Islam engenders a concerned, caring and mutually respectful society regardless of faith, ethnicity, colour or political belief.

4. Sacrifice also means a call to followers to always forge unity, prevent discord and champion the cause for peace so that the welfare of Muslims are protected and the integrity of Islam is preserved.

5. On this hallowed day, let us not forget the haj pilgrims who are performing the fifth pillar of Islam in the Holy Land. Let us pray to Allah S.W.T. for the pilgrims to be able to complete their religious duty and are bestowed Haj Mabrur and that they safely return to our homeland. May their experiences in the Holy Land bring value to heighten our reverence and devotion to our faith.

Please forgive me for my mistakes and shortcomings. Happy Eid!

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