Saturday, April 18, 2009

3-Day Executive Overview on Islamic Banking and Finance

GlobalPro Consulting is organising a 3-Day Executive Overview on Islamic Banking and Finance to be held on 5-7 May 2009 at the Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

Learn the fundamental, principles and the operations of Islamic banking and finance from the industry's experts and practitioners. It is also an excellent platform for networking and exchange of ideas and solutions.

Even the tallest towers rise from the ground, and it must be built on a solid foundation. This executive overview is a preparation for a solid foundation on Islamic banking and finance towards building a towering Islamic banking and finance system and industry.

I will be one of the speakers in the seminar.

To register for the event please visit the the organiser's web site:

Please register early to ensure a seat. If you can afford the fee, don't worry, just contact me directly for a special consideration.

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