Friday, March 20, 2009

A Guest at Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC)

Today I was invited to meet visiting German businessmen and consultants at the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC).

My firm, GlobalPro Consulting is forming a smart partnership with a German consulting firm, Pro Tempre International Consultants GMBH. We are exchanging expertise and networking in providing international consulting works.

Thank you Mr Wolfram Lobnitz (Geschaftsfuhrender Gesellschafter...I think it means Managing Partner) of Pro Tempre for the trust in my consulting firm, GlobalPro Consulting.

Coincidently, on the same day (Friday, 20 March) I received a call from ARD German Television requesting to interview me on Islamic Banking for a programme called Weltspiegel. It’s a reknown tv-magazine in Germany featuring topics and stories from abroad for the German audience. ARD is the biggest network in Germany and comparable to BBC in England. They are coming to KL for the special assignment.

I feel humbled by the German interest in my expertise (or my company services) and in getting my views through the interviews. Unfortunately I don't speak German except for knowing famous German brands like BMW, Mercedes Benz and Audi.

1 comment:

  1. wah..tahniah2..

    Encik Sanusi akan ditemu ramah siaran televisyen German..

    -Anak Murid dr Morocco-


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