Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thank You Mr Yerlan from Kazakhstan

Having lunch with Mr Yerlan from Kazahstan (left of picture). On the right are the speaker and guest from Maybank IB (Investment Bank). Mr Yerlan is in KL to attend the Global Sukuk Conference organised by my firm, GlobalPro Consulting on 25-26 February 2009.

He invited me to speak in Astana Islamic Finance Conference on 10-11 March 209. I have to politely decline the invitation due to my busy schedule (next time insyaAllah). I was told the weather in Astana is minus 30 degree (- 30), just the opposite of the weather in Kuala Lumpur (+30). You have to be mentally and physically prepared to face that kind of cold weather.

Kazakhstan is formerly a part of Russian Federation with some 60% Muslim population. Mr Yerlan also informed me they are descendants of Khublai Khan....the warrior...and often mistaken to be a Chinese or Japanese. A Malaysian politician passing by our table even spoke in Malay to him thinking he is a local Chinese! I can understand why he was so puzzled and asked the politician to speak in English or Russian to him.

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