Thursday, October 09, 2008

Certified as an Islamic Financial Planner

Alhamdulillah with the grace of Allah, I have passed the certification program on Islamic Financial Planning (IFP) conducted by FPAM and IBFIM. IFP pogram is recognised by Securities Commission and Bank Negara Malaysia (central bank of Malaysia). I was in the first batch of participants/candidates.

I must admit, the final exam was tough.... particularly in plan construction.....lots of financial formula we need to remember and utilise. It was certainly not a cup of tea taking the exam (can't drink tea during exam anyway). 6 hours exam was not sufficient to most of participants. Not all are able to go through....

Now it is my turn to give lecture for the subsequent batches of participants....insyaAlllah. Learning is not about just passing is a lifelong process of seeking knowledge, understanding and putting it into good use.